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VeloCity 2018

My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Grady saved my brother-in-law’s life.  Had he not been taken to Grady, he would have died. It really is that simple.  He suffered a major stroke and Dr. Nogueira removed the clots and saved his life.  Why was this possible?  Because Grady has the premier Stroke and Neuroscience Center in the Southeast.  Because Dr. Nogueira had the funding to do research which revealed that Thrombectomies are effective up to 24 hours in certain strokes.  As in Clayton’s stroke – as in – without that research, without Dr. Nogueira, and without Grady – Clayton wouldn’t be here. 

This is why I’m riding to raise money for Grady.  It is the least I can do to thank them for giving me my brother in law back.  I hope to blow the $1,000 fundraising goal out of the water.  You can help by donating any amount – anything will make a difference, and 100% of your donation goes straight to Grady. 

Grady will be there for you when you need it.  I hope you will join me and be there for Grady by contributing to my ride on May 5, 2018!


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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