Guess what I did? I voluntarily signed up to run, slide, climb, and crawl through 5k of mud, nets, water, walls, compost, tires, and who knows what else, in Ithaca’s first and favorite obstacle course, the Tough Turtle! Why? I did it to support a critical cause I believe in, while testing my strength, endurance, and grit. Please join me on my journey by helping me meet my fundraising goal of $725.
I want to raise one penny per person who visits Ithaca Children's Garden per year: 72,500.
A little about the fundraiser -
Your donation does double duty, by allowing me to participate in this unique event, while supporting Ithaca Children’s Garden. Ithaca Children’s Garden, an award-winning 3-acre urban garden designed expressly for children, touches more than 72,500 lives each year, at no cost to visitors. ICG offers world-class environmental programs to awaken the nature-lover in us all, addressing alarming trends in public health. Ithaca Children’s Garden is all about getting kids connected to nature through outdoor play, which has enormous impacts on the health of kids and the health of the planet.
Please consider supporting my campaign with $25, $50, or $100 today to help me reach my fundraising goal. Whatever amount works for you is sincerely appreciated and really helps. The main thing is that you make a gift today!
Not in a position to give today? Please consider sharing my fundraiser with a personal endorsement on your facebook page, or even better, why come join me for the big event! It takes a village - Thank you for being part of mine!