Why did I initially signed up to run? I did it to support a cause I care about, while testing my strength, endurance, and grit.
The Ithaca Children's Garden has been a mainstay to my family since Jerome was a wee little one and started camping with us nearly 5 years ago. Since moving to the area in July, it is our second home. During warmer months visiting it 3-4 times a week and even managed some winter visits. It is a beautiful and peaceful place which enriches our family on each and every visit.
Why I am running now. Over 5 years ago, I little boy I didn’t know stole my heart. Tripp Halstead was just two when a tree limb feel on his head crushing his little skull. He was hospitalized for 5 months sustaining major brain damage. For the last five years I watched with millions of to others, his daily struggles and his daily triumphs to keep going. I laughed and cheered when he moved his arm for the first time again, when he laughed for the first time again and smiled for the first time again. I held my breath and worried each time he had another illness or surgery. I feel privileged that his family let us all into their lives and let Tripp into our hearts. Just over 3 weeks ago however Tripp’s struggle became too much for this little fighter to keep fighting and he passed away at just 7 years old. Although I never met Tripp or his family, I was and continue to feel devastated by his loss. Tripp’s passing has left me partly broken but also lit a fire in me to continue fighting for children to have the best life possible.
The Ithaca Children’s Garden provides a sanctuary for kids to be kids. They provided a haven of play, of sights, of sounds, of textures and varying environments for children to explore no matter what their ability. Further, they have what they refer to as the BULB LABYRINTH MEMORIAL GARDEN. This is a special place they has created to remember babies and children who have been lost. It just shows the heart and compassion this organization shows to the community as a whole. This is why I am running now. I am running for Tripp and all children to have the opportunity to enjoy life the very best they can. That's what Tripp's family did for him and that's what I want to help the ICG continue to do for my community.
On race day...I will reveal my own special tribute to Tripp.
*IMPORTANT note. All funds raised here go directly to the Ithaca Children’s Garden. ICG nor I have any direct relation to the Halstead Family.
A little about the fundraiser -
Your donation does double duty, by allowing me to participate in this awesome event, while supporting Ithaca Children’s Garden. Ithaca Children’s Garden, an award-winning 3-acre urban garden designed expressly for children, touches more than 70,000 lives each year, at no cost to visitors. They offer world-class environmental programs to awaken the nature-lover in us all, addressing alarming trends that I am helping address through my participation in Tough Turtle. Ithaca Children’s Garden is all about getting kids connected to nature through outdoor play, which has enormously important impacts on the health of kids and the health of the planet. Here’s an excerpt from a position statement put forward by National Recreation and Parks Association:
Children today spend less time outdoors than any other generation, devoting only four to seven minutes to unstructured outdoor play per day while spending an average of seven and a half hours in front of electronic media. As a result, child obesity has reached unprecedented levels and continues to rise. Children are carrying this sedentary lifestyle and a disconnection with nature into adulthood which creates a troubling national trend for the future of conservation, our economy, and the health and wellness of our communities.
Please consider supporting my campaign today to help me reach my fundraising goal. Whatever amount works for you is sincerely appreciated and really helps.
Not in a position to donate today? Please consider sharing my fundraiser with a personal endorsement on your facebook page. It takes a village. thank you for being part of mine!