
My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Thanks for visiting my Hot Chocolate Run Page.  On Sunday, December 4th, Team Fausey & Friends from West Springfield will meet in Northampton to participate in the 2011 HOT CHOCOLATE RUN/WALK to support Safe Passage.  Safe Passage is a Hampshire County agency that provides comprehensive services to women and children who are victims of domestic violence.  The walk is at 9:30 a.m. and the run begins at 10:00 a.m.

Team Fausey & Friends is made up of staff members, family members and friends from Fausey, Tatham, Coburn, West Springfield Middle School and West Springfield High School.  There's still time and we welcome YOU to join us, too!  :-) Here's a list of our team members:

Mila Andre
Katy Brunelle
Melanie Butler
Donna Calabrese
Anna Callahan
Michelle Chaput
Tracey Chrisanthopoulos
Tom Cummings
Hector Diaz
Karen Diaz
Bill Garvey
Dillon Garvey
Pete Gillen
Tim Harty
Christeen Jerard
Cathy Johnson
Eric Johnson
Eric Johnson, Jr.
Connor Johnson
Russell Johnston
Bruce Landon
Marcia Landon
Christine Moriarty
Kate Morneau
Megan Morneau
Ryan Morneau
Stephen Mulvaney
Susan Mulvaney
Mike Reed
Nikki Reed
Shawn Sousa
Laurie Svec
Tom Svec

If you can't join us on December 4th, you are welcome to make a tax deductible contribution to Safe Passage on behalf of Team Fausey & Friends!


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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