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No, my account didn't get hacked... I really am raising money for a charity. Maybe it's because I'm getting more empathetic in my advanced age or maybe it's becuase this one hits close to home

On November 10th I'll be running the Manchester Marathon to raise money for vets in need... Those would be the former military vets - not the pet neuterers

What most people can't understand is what life is like in the military. You push though pain, you embrace the suck, you endure and survive in the most miserable conditions imaginable, and there's a sense of pride in it all. It's a badge of honor being able to endure more suffering than the guys next to you. This is your life 24/7 - for years.The probem is, civilian life isn't lived the same way. I've had a lot of wingmen over the years not transition well, some not at all. When before not asking for help and enduring what may come might lead to injury - in the civilian world it often leads to homelessness, mental illness or uninsured medical emergencies

Too often vets try to push through hard times, try to endure more than anyone should, all in hopes that things will get better. The sad reality is, when a vet finally asks for help - it's typically beyond what most of us consider an emergency and funds need to be available immediately. 

So November 10th I'll deal with the physical pain and maybe together we can raise a few dollars to take some of the real pain away from those still suffering. 

Still not inspired to donate a few bucks? How about I do 10 push-ups for every dollar donated. I know all of you would love to know you inflicted pain on me. Just think of the smile on your face knowing I've got to knock out 250 form perfect pushups for a measly $25. Get out that credit card baby! 
If you want to learn more about the run click here


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