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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Chad and I served together on the board of Phoenix Bikes.  We are so proud of the Phoenix team, which has continued to serve the community during the pandemic, providing used bikes for sale, reasonably priced repairs, and high quality instruction online to the community.  The team has even found innovative ways to allow youth to earn bikes safely through a mix of online and socially distanced in-person instruction.  We are riding to show our support for Phoenix during this uncertain and financially challenging time and we are grateful for any support that you can provide.

We will both be doing Rails to Trails rides this weekend.  Chad will be riding the C and O trail with his 2 year old twins in a trailer.  Taking Ivanka's advice to "find something new",  I will be riding a new trail for me, one that runs from Cockeysville, MD to York, PA.  I am hoping to complete a metric century.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

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