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This will be my 4th year participating in the Ride for Mental Health in upstate New York. Last year due to COVID-19, we were not able to have the annual ride in person. Though we shared our journeys through Strava, an app used my many athletes. Though this year, we are hoping to be back together, pedaling away the stigma towards mental health. As you know, this year has been very overwhelming for us all. Especially for those who deal with their mental illness daily. Even people who never experienced anxiety, depression, or other mental health conditions were affected. So, I am asking for your support in reaching my goal to fundraise for McLean Hospital. I will be riding two days this year. On June 19th I will be riding the 50-mile south route and June 20th the 25-mile route. I appreciate any donations that can be made. I will continue to educate and inspire those who struggle with mental illness and let them know that you are no different from anyone else. Your life matters and don't let the condition define you.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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