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The Cause

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Welcome to my fundraiser page! My name is Lincoln Summers. I am 13 years old and I live in Baltimore, Maryland. On May 8, 2021 I will embark on a 15+ hour journey to complete one of the most mentally and physically demanding challenges in cycling: The Climb to the Clouds - Everesting Challenge. My goal is to climb 8,840 meters (29,030 ft) in one long day. But I am not doing this just to say I have done it. I am doing it for the Student Homelessness Initiative Parnership of Frederick County (SHIP). SHIP's goal is to help youth who are experiencing homelessness get an education. SHIP connects them to community, resources, and youth-centric programming while advocating for equality in systems that serve young people. Your donation will also help students graduate from high schoool, which is very hard for someone who is homeless. To learn more about SHIP go here. My goal was to reach $884 in donations. Thanks to everyone who donated, I reached that goal in a month!!! Now, we are reaching even farther for the clouds and going for a very unlikely goal of $2,903.

Thank you so much everyone for the support and donating to this great cause!


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

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