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Flags Over Liberty Hill

My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

For a yearly donation of $75, a 3’ x5’ United States Flag will be placed in front of your home or business on the following holidays: 

·         Martin Luther King Day·          Presidents’ Day·          Memorial Day·          Flag Day (June 14)·          July 4

·          Labor Day·          Veterans Day·           (In case of rain, Patriots’ Day, September 11, will be the make-up date).

Donations support the following local, state and national charitable work:  LISD scholarships, LISD eye exams and eyeglasses; Lions Foundation Park; Texas Lions Camp in Kerrville, Texas; Leader Dog Program; and world-wide eradication of river blindness and measles. 

The Lions Club serves the following neighborhoods:  Sundance Ranch, Sundance Estates, Beltorre, the Highway 29 corridor from 183 to the LH High School, Carriage Oaks, Clearwater Ranch, Bar W, Rancho Sienna, Butler Farms, Downtown Liberty Hill and the Seward Junctionn businesses.

If you do not see your area, please contact the Flag Program Chair, Susan Hopper at [email protected]   


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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