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Please join me in supporting this worthy cause. Mental Health Awareness during these times are now more important than ever. It’s especially important for people of color who grew up in environments where mental health usually wasn’t a consideration. For many of us, we simply did not use words like "depression" or "anxiety" around friends or family - using words like that would project an image of weakness or shame.

There is a stigma around what mental illness is, and for those who need help the most, that stigma is the biggest obstacle to them seeking after and getting the help that they desperately need. I've seen loved ones suffer needlessly for years. I can personally attest that seeking help is not a sign of weakness, it is the most empowering thing that you could ever do.

Join me to #rideawaythestigma and please donate today!

 I greatly appreciate your contribution to this worthwhile cause. Thank you for your support!


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