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Hello friends!

This September I will be running the DeMar Marathon for the first time. The DeMar race is special to me because in 2015 it was my first half marathon and the race that started me on my running journey. I have since run many other races including two additional half marathons as well as my first marathon in April of this year. 

In addition to running the full DeMar for the first time, this year will also be the first time that I have run for Team DeMar to give back to my community. I will be fundraising for Partners at the Table which is a summer program that works in partnership with the Keene Community Kitchen and aims to provide families in need three meals a day through the summer while kids are not in school. For many families school meal programs are a vital component in avoiding food scarcity, and summer breaks are a challenging time. No family should have to wonder how to put meals on the table & I hope my fundraising helps the Keene Elm City Rotary's efforts to solve this issue locally. 

Please help me in giving back to the Keene community by making a donation. I appreciate your help & will run extra hard on race day as a 'thank you'. 




Four Causes for the 2022 Team DeMar:

"Follow ME" -Kids DeMar Marathon Program

Support the Kids DeMar Marathon program encouraging elementary age students to be active.  Every 2nd grader in Cheshire County gets a new pair of sneakers.  Over 800 given out each year.

Partners at the Table                

A summer feeding program aimed to provide families in need 3 meals a day through the summer while kids are not in school.  In partnership with the Keene Community Kitchen

Team Service: Central America                                        

Each February students from Monadnock Regional High School Interact (student Rotarian) Club give up their vacation time to travel to Central America where they work long, hot hours building homes for families who literally live in shacks of cardboard and rusted sheet metal.

Unsung Hero Scholarship                                        

For over a decade Keene Elm City Rotary has been helping students who might not otherwise receive much deserved recognition or financial help.  The Keene Elm City Rotary “Unsung Hero” scholarship fund is designed to celebrate the courageous students of our region, those who embody the Rotary ideal of service above self.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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