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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Hello Friend! 

Raising awareness for Mental Health is something I'm passionate about. By day, I work for a behavioral health integrated system of care. When I want to have fun, I'm out on the bike. What's better than combining my two passions?

Mental Health and it's stigma resulted in lack of treatment and critically affected my family. Extending to the loss of my brother's life. He died by suicide.  

If I can help just one person in my lifetime with mental health awareness, I'll have made my contribution, although I hope for that number to be in the hundreds, maybe thousands.  

Your donation will be greatly appreciated. Help us #rideawaythestigma.

If you can't donate, seek me out!  I have much to share and even more time to listen. 

Blessings and Love,     


Strava Cyclist Profile | Colleen Koblenz


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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