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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

The Ride for Mental Health is an event with a cause that I am a big believer in.  Mental Health effects everyone in some way and the knowledge needed to make improvements is growing.  There is still a lot to do.  As a teacher and a parent, I know so many people who are coping with both minor and major mental health issues.  

Personally I developed a friendship with Mac Dorris, The Ride for Mental Health founder, through our common interest in cars.  I remember how sad it was when the Dorris's lost Eric, just when we hoped that Eric was on the road to better health.  Then I got involved with The Ride the very first year and have been helping make this event the best it can be every year sense.

Over the years, folks donating via my requests have been very generous and we've raised significant amounts of money.  I'm very thankful for everyone who has stepped up over the years.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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