
My Story

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The Cause

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Hello friends and family!

I am thrilled to announce that I have been gifted the opportunity to join Expedition Inspiration on their 2024 Climb for the Cure. On June 30th, I will be joining 12 other breast cancer survivors on a summit to Hyndman Peak.

For those of you who have faced your own challenges or dis-ease, you know how important it is to keep putting one foot in front of the other… one step at a time. Although I consider myself to be ‘on the other side’ of my journey with cancer, I am often reminded that it is and will always be a part of my journey. 

This opportunity to join EI, and another extended tribe of amazing women, is one of honor and determination to keep moving forward towards the next precipice of our individual and collective journeys. Gathering in nature with others who understand each other (from their own unique journey with cancer) is a gift in itself, but this offering feels even more special to have been given a chance to train together and give back to ourselves, each other and all other grandmothers, mothers, aunties, cousins and sisters out there.

I have summited many other mountains in my lifetime, yet for some reason this summit already feels different. For one thing, it involves a whole new starting point. And, for another, it’s one that will be experienced with intention, purpose and the camaraderie of a new tribe of sisters. With each stride, each of us will be doing our part to give back and raise awareness and funds for finding a cure for breast cancer… once and for all! 

I can’t thank you enough for your love, support and encouragement as I take these next steps towards the summit of Hyndman Peak. If you feel called to donate towards a cure, I’d be honored to take every step with each of you in my heart, knowing that together we can make a difference. 

Since 1995, Expedition Inspiration has funded over $1,830,225 in research grants. The money we raise for this summit goes directly into the hands of those working to find a cure. In 2023, EI funded a $25,000 grant to Dr. Andi Cani from the University of Michigan whose novel research on metastatic tumor cells is truly groundbreaking.

Thank you for supporting me and Expedition Inspiration in our quest to raise money for breast cancer research and finding a cure. Your donation today helps me reach my climb goal of $1,500 and Expedition Inspiration's climb goal of $30,000.

Blessings and Love,



My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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