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The Event

The Cause

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Hello friends and family!

I'm stoked to be participating in the 2nd annual All of the Above Trail Fest, where the theme is to welcome EVERYONE!  Specifically, this event is pushing the boundaries to ensure that queer and transgender runners, and their allies, are welcomed onto the trails, regardless of their competition athletic level.  No matter who we are, or what 'box' we check, we're all coming together for a day of celebration on the trails!

This event is a fundraiser for The Venture Out Project - an organization that leads backpacking and wilderness trips for the queer and transgender community.  They create opportunities for members of the LGBTQ+ community to connect and enjoy the outdoors.  Any donation here will allow The Venture Out Project to financially support more participants on their day and overnight wilderness adventures.

I am participating in the event because I believe that everyone belongs on the trails!  Please help me reach my fundraising goal, and help the Venture Out Project continue their awesome work!

Thank you!


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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