"Thank you for joining our team. Your participation provides funds that go directly to funding services and programs that support our Life After Cancer community. It is donors like you that play a vital role in funding our Coffee and Connection, our Move to Heal classes, our Talk Listen Share bi-monthly educational series, and of course our annual I AM Hope Survivors Reset Retreat. This four-day, three-night experience for cancer survivors aims to help survivors get clear on life after cancer and how to move forward. It is provided free of charge to all attendees thanks to the generosity of donors like you!
We further invite you to learn more about Shay's Warriors, nominate a survivor, or get involved through our website at shayswarriors.org."
Tour de Palm Springs in Coachella Valley
Annual charity cycling event in downtown Palm Springs
The Tour de Palm Springs in Coachella Valley is a charity event started in 1998 when Tim Esser cycled from Palm Springs California to Jacksonville, Florida, raising money for local charities. Today, the Tour de Palm Springs is one of the largest events of its kind in America. Up to 30,000 spectators will visit our event located in world famous downtown Palm Springs while cyclists ride between 5 & 100 miles. Every year the event entertains a diverse group of 5,000 to 10,000 cyclists from 46 different states and 4 countries. Since 1998 the Tour de Palm Springs charity event has distributed nearly $4,000.000.00 to over 150 local nonprofit organizations.