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My Story

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The Cause

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5 years … doesn’t seem possible but this will be my fifth consecutive year riding in The Ride for Mental Health in honor of the memory of my only sibling, Brent Thurn, who died by suicide on February 20, 2021, following a battle with major depression and anxiety.

Those who knew Brent would describe him as hysterically funny, generous with his time and talents, hardworking, bright and devoted to his family.  By all outward appearances, he was successful and had every reason to live.  His mind, though, lied to him.  During the isolation of the pandemic, his struggles increased, and his depression and anxiety worsened.  He tried so hard to stay strong and fight these largely hidden battles.  Brent would tell me about how much pain he was in - that it was unrelenting.  He wanted the pain to stop and could not see a way out. 

Brent was an avid cyclist. Following his death, I stumbled upon The Ride for Mental Health.  Team Shake It Off was born to shake off the stigma of mental health issues, as well as to raise awareness and money to help those who are struggling.  Proceeds from The Ride for Mental Health benefit McLean Hospital, a Harvard Medical School affiliate. Not only does the money raised help further research efforts, but it also provides scholarships to those patients who may not otherwise be able to afford much needed care.

I greatly appreciate your support of this worthwhile cause.  No donation is too small as ALL donations help to make change and impact the lives of those who have mental health struggles.  I will continue to honor Brent by advocating for those who need access to care for mental health.  Together we CAN make a difference!  Thank you for your support!



My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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