Welcome to our Fundraining page -
Ben and Heather Drummond
50 YEARS!!! Wow - the last RPP - Your help is needed to make this is biggest EVER FundRaising effort for the ESSC - a nonprofit that provides ski equipment and helps in ski development programs for elementary aged kids in the Mt. Washington Valley.
I hope you are able to contribute. Thank you for any amount you can give!
Red Parka Challenge Cup Race
The Red Parka Pub Challenge Cup will mark its 50th and final run in 2025. It is considered the longest-running, pro-style dual giant slalom ski race in the United States. Its iconic features include a pair of World Cup starting gates used for afternoon run-offs and a three-foot jump, a popular spectator spot along the course. It attracts all types of racers from U.S. Olympians to amateur racers pulled from local beer leagues. All proceeds from the race benefit the Eastern Slope Ski Club, a local organization that funds youth skiing in the Mt. Washington Valley in New Hampshire.
Founded in 1935, the Eastern Slope Ski Club is a non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of skiing. The primary program of the ESSC is the Junior Ski Program, with over 400 volunteers and the support of countless businesses, provides skiing and snowboarding opportunities for over 1500 elementary school children in the Mount Washington Valley.
Since 1995, the proceeds from the Red Parka Challenge Cup Race have been donated to the Eastern Slopes Ski Club’s Junior Ski Program in honor of Judge William Paine who was a great supporter of ESSC.