I am trying to raise awareness and funds for the cure of Parkinson's through The Michael J Fox Foundation. There are currently 10 million people in the United States that suffer from Parkinson's. Help me raise funds so that we can eradicate this disease. Help us raise funds for Parkinson's research to find a cure. Together we can help those people, our loved ones, find a cure for Parkinson's!
SoCal Ride/Walk for Parkinson's
Dear Participant,
There is no known cure for Parkinson's disease. But through your support of SoCal Ride for Parkinson's on April 26, 2025, you will be able to help change that!
Fourteen years ago, my wife, Karen, was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I didn't know much about it. The only knowledge that I knew was that I use to work for a man while I was in college that had the disease. My wife and I started to going to events on Parkinson's and found out that exercise is the best 'cure' for the disease. We work out three times a week now with people that have PD. Even though I don't have the disease, I find the people that we work out with are the most genuine, funny people that I have every met. There is never any grumbling or complaining. But I can't imagine living with something that has no known cure.
Our purpose is to raise funds in support of The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to accelerate research and treatments for Parkinson’s disease. Every penny donated will go straight to the MJFF high-impact research programs to help speed a cure for Parkinson's disease.
As with many good deeds, the SoCal Ride for Parkinson’s began as a "labor of love" at the local grass roots level. Bob Lear, our founder and retired high school teacher, wanted to support his wife in her journey fighting Parkinson’s disease.
The first ride was held in 2018 when Bob decided that “standing on the sidelines” watching this debilitating disease affect his wife was not tolerable. He decided to channel his passion and interest for biking into positive action, by raising funds for Parkinson’s research. He understood that by attracting more riders and getting corporate sponsorships would help build the momentum to bring us a bit closer to a cure. Since that time in 2018, with 60 participants and raising $6000.00, the event now has Hoag Hospital as the Host of the event, over 600 participants and, last year, raised over $380,000 for Parkiinson's research. In seven years we have raised over $800,000. EVERY PENNY GOES TO THE MICAHEL J FOX FOUNDATION!
The SoCal Ride for Parkinson’s mission, is to increase awareness of the Parkinson's condition in the greater Southern California community and raise research funds on behalf of the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This will be accomplished by hosting an annual biking/walking/running event that supports well-being and fellowship with all participants.
Please direct any inquiries regarding participation or donation to Bob Lear (949) 500-3024, Brian McGuire (714) 697-7963, Marty Furman (714) 624-7560, Eliot Dratch (949) 304-8804, or Brad Pierce at (310) 261-1669, or visit our website: www.socalride.net Make checks payable to SoCal Ride for Parkinson's Foundation, 2501 E. 16th Street, Unit I, Newport Beach, CA 92663. Tax ID 84-4136875. SoCal Ride for Parkinson's Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 Corporation.
Our purpose is to raise funds in support of The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) to accelerate research and treatments for Parkinson’s disease. Every penny donated will go straight to the MJFF high-impact research programs to help speed a cure for Parkinson's disease.
As with many good deeds, the SoCal Ride for Parkinson’s began as a "labor of love" at a local grass roots level. Bob Lear, our founder and retired high school teacher, wanted to support his wife in her journey fighting Parkinson’s disease.
The first ride was held in 2018 at the Cyclist in Costa Mesa. Bob decided that “standing on the sidelines” watching this debilitating disease affect his wife was not tolerable. He decided to channel his passion and interest for biking into positive action, by raising funds for Parkinson’s research. He understood that by attracting more riders and getting corporate sponsorships would help build the momentum to bring us a bit closer to a cure. Since that time the ride has grown from 60 riders and raising $6000 in 2018 to over 450 participants and in 2023, raised over $100,000. In 2021, Hoag Hospital hosted the ride at their Hoag Health Center in Irvine and a walk was added for those individuals and families that did not feel comfortable on a bike. Today there are three different bike routes to chose from and a 3 and 5 K walk.
The SoCal Ride/Walk for Parkinson’s mission, is to increase awareness of the Parkinson's condition in the Southern California community (however, we have participants from Las Vegas, Nevada and Phoenix, Arizona) and raise research funds on behalf of the Michael J. Fox Foundation. This will be accomplished by hosting an annual biking/walking/running event that supports well-being and fellowship with all participants.
Please direct any inquiries regarding participation or donation to Bob Lear (949) 500-3024, Marty Furman (714) 624-7560, Eliot Dratch (949) 304-8804, Brad Pierce (310) 261-1669 or visit our website: www.socalride.net Tax ID 84-4136875
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