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The Cause

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Thanks for visiting my Hot Chocolate Run fundraising page! On December 8, I will be spending my day organizing the 150 volunteers and representing our new prevention program Say Something at the 10th Annual Hot Chocolate Run.

Many of you know about my work with Safe Passage over the past 5 years or so- this is an amazing organization, with outstanding staff that work each day to save the lives of adults and children who are not as lucky as many of us to feel safe in their own homes.  I am honored to work with my colleagues and our community, and I am constantly in awe of the strength of the women and children who come through our doors every day. 

Seeing the support from friends, family, and community members is truly astounding- we are able to do this work because of all of you- YOU are helping us create safety, hope, change, healing, and justice for survivors of domestic violence.  So please consider donating to my page -- no matter how much you can give, every little bit helps!!

Here are some ways Safe Passage will put your gift to work:
$25: Resources, support and hope for a woman calling the 24-hour hotline
$75: Safe transportation for a family traveling to Safe Passage’s emergency shelter
$100: A drop-in support group session for survivors of domestic violence
$140: Education for parents on talking with their kids about domestic violence
$500: Healing counseling for a child who has witnessed violence

All contributions are tax-deductible, and you’ll receive an emailed receipt immediately after you donate.

You can make a difference for families affected by domestic violence. I hope you’ll join me!

Thank you so much for your support!


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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