Wings of America
Wings of America has been granted two Boston Marathon "charity bibs" to help raise funds for our Pursuit program for Native American high school juniors. In addition to training for the Marathon, two Native runners, Andrea Snowball (Muscogee Nation & Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska) and Justin Casiquito (Jemez Pueblo) have volunteered to serve as chaperones for Pursuit students through the weekend leading up to their race. Show your appreciation for their committment to Native youth by making a tax-deductible donation to help cover the cost of airfare, meals and ground transportation for 5 Pursuit students April 11-15, 2023. Contribute to each of their campaigns, or make a general (tax-deductible) donation to Wings. It is our goal to raise $6,000. Thank you for your support!
Suggested Donation levels/uses:
- Bluebird, $25.00- Average cost of one rideshare when there's not enough time or energy to take the metro as a group.
- Swallow, $55.00- Cost of one bib for Pursuit students to participate in the B.A.A. 5K the Saturday before the Marathon.
- Hummingbird, $75.00- Average cost of one breakfast or lunch for all 5 Pursuit students when out on the town.
- Raven, $150.00- Average cost for one dinner for all 5 Pursuit students when out on the town.
- Hawk, $375.00- Entry fee attached to "charity bibs" for the Marathon. Wings covers this fee for Pursuit chaperones, but they must pay for their own airfare to/from Boston.
- Eagle, $500.00- Average cost for a plane ticket to/from Boston for Marathon Weekend.
Wings of America's Boston Pursuit Program
Since 2017, Wings of America has collaborated with the Boston Athletic Association (B.A.A.) and Boston-area universities to provide this eye-opening experience to promising students from across Indian Country. Apart from running the B.A.A. 5k and spectating the Marathon, Pursuit students visit colleges, learn to navigate the city, become friends with host families, and visit with Indigenous friends in the area.
It is our goal to raise $6,000 to cover the cost of Pursuit students' airfare, meals and ground transportation April 11-15, 2024. Please give generously knowing your contributions will help broaden selected students' horizons and help them on their way to becoming role models and leaders in Indian Country.