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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Hello friends and family!

As many of you know my first marathon was in Vermont, my first 50k was in Vermont, and now my first 100 miler will be in Vermont.  It is safe to say that ILOVERMONT, and the local people who inhabit the Green Mountains. I have spent hours, days, and months training for this event that will be the ultimate test of my mental and physical strength.  While I have been fortunate enough to have these experiences, there are people out there for whom just getting out to walk can be a challenge. People who need a little extra assistance to meet the challenge that brings health, fun and passion to their lives. 

 For those of you who know me well I grew up with the privilege of living in the mountains and enjoying the outdoors from an early age.  My love for the outdoors and passion for fitness is something that I want to spread to both children and adults.  A life long goal of mine is to inspire and help others; the Vermont 100 is providing me with both of these opportunities. 

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports provides access to recreational and competitive athletic training, equipment and support for people who have disabilities in the areas of hiking, running, biking, skiing, snow snowshoeing, horse back riding, rock climbing, boating and more.  With your help, children and adults with disabilities can experience the outdoors, and experience activities that bring such joy to life.

My goal is to leave an impact in the ultra world not only through running, but through giving back to the sport and the people that have changed my life by giving so much to me.  Please consider helping me reach my goals in completing the VT100 and giving to Vermont Adaptive! 

Thank you!

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing recreational and competitive sports opportunities to people with disabilities. We believe sports and recreation provide a physical, mental and social experience that is immeasurable in promoting self-confidence and independence in an individual.

With nearly 400 active volunteers instructing and helping, plus generous partners and sponsors, and an amazing base of clients and friends, Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports has been at the forefront of sports and recreation for those with disabilities in New England for more than 20 years. Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities. We promote independence and further equality through access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.

The VT 100 is one of Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports biggest fund raisers every year. Without our participants, volunteers and sponsors, Vermont Adaptive would not be able to provide access to: skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, hand cycling, tandem biking, horse back riding, rock climbing, hiking, camping and other adventure weekends to their participants!

For more information about Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports:


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

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