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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Hello friends and family, and thanks for checking out Team WingMan!

Completing the VT 100 mile run is a challenge that I look forward to meeting this summer. I consider myself fortunate that I have been able to spend hours, days, months and even years training for this event, because I realize that there are people out there for whom just getting out to exercise can be a challenge...people who need a little extra assistance to meet the challenge that brings health, fun and passion to their lives.

Two years ago I was lucky to have crossed paths with a little boy named Nick, aka my WingMan, for whom I run and dedicate all my (s)miles. Nick was born with a serious brain injury that have made his 7 years a continuous challenge to him and his super family. So many wonderful people come together every day to help Nick achieve that awesome feeling of accomplishment when he gets to participate in sports and other "fun exercise" (as opposed to all the hard work he does in his different therapies). The look on his happy little face is pretty sweet...but especially heartwarming when you get to see just how much he is enjoying things like water-skiing and baseball! Seriously this kid is a happiness-magnet!

This year I want to share my motivational "secret weapon", and do what I can to fund-raise in his honor for Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports; they provide access to recreational and competitive athletic training, equipment and support for people who have disabilities in the areas of hiking, running, biking, skiing, snow snowshoeing, horse back riding, rock climbing, boating and more.

It's groups like this that make huge smiles happen for those folks whose disabilities would otherwise prohibit them from the simple joy of exercise...awesome people like my little WingMan Nick. I can't begin to describe you how much bigger your heart feels when you see his face light up! Please consider donating what you can to help me reach my goal and help Vermont Adaptive meet their goal too!

Thank you and happy (s)miles!

Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing recreational and competitive sports opportunities to people with disabilities. We believe sports and recreation provide a physical, mental and social experience that is immeasurable in promoting self-confidence and independence in an individual.

With nearly 400 active volunteers instructing and helping, plus generous partners and sponsors, and an amazing base of clients and friends, Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports has been at the forefront of sports and recreation for those with disabilities in New England for more than 20 years. Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities. We promote independence and further equality through access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.

The VT 100 is one of Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports biggest fund raisers every year. Without our participants, volunteers and sponsors, Vermont Adaptive would not be able to provide access to: skiing, snowboarding, snowshoeing, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, hand cycling, tandem biking, horse back riding, rock climbing, hiking, camping and other adventure weekends to their participants!

For more information about Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports:


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

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