The race is less than a week away, and wow, I couldn't be any more grateful for all of y'all that have donated to my fundraising campaign this year. We've exceeded my fundraising goal, and there's still time to donate! Even after the race, donations can be made here up to August 1st.
Amy sent all of us some sweet Team Run 2 Empower tank tops, so I'll definitely be wearing that on race day. I've been trying to keep up on my blog, and haven't been doing a spectacular job of it, but I did manage to get a post completed last night. The link to that is here:
Next post will be my race report!
Thanks again, and I hope this finds everyone well.
Update!!! Training is going well. Fundraising is going fairly well. Amy Rusiecki, the Race Director of the Vermont 100, has challenged all of us on Team Run 2 Empower to raise at least $200 in the month of May. Can you help me make that happen?
I blogged about my most recent training highs and lows and a race I participated in. You can read about that here:
At the end of my blog I made a plug, that if you donate this month to help me reach my goal, I'll happily mail you a handmade print or some baked goods, the choice is yours. I'll continue to put in the miles, and plan to race hard in July! Just leave a comment with your donation of what incentive you'd like, and I'll get in touch!
Hope this finds everyone well and enjoying their spring.
Hello everyone! Friends, family, internet strangers, members of the ultra community,
Thanks for finding this page and considering making a donation towards my fundraising goals. For those of you who do know me, you know I love a challenge. More than that, you know I love finding creative ways to help the communities around me. Last year I joined a handful of other runners committed to raising money for Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports by running the Vermont 100 as a "charity runner". With the generous donations of many, I was able to donate just over $1000 to this program, and as a whole we (the charity runners) raised over $80,000. This was truly incredible. Knowing I was running for something so much bigger than myself gave me strength through the tougher moments of the race. (Like the half hour or so I spent crouched under a tree amidst lightning and rain around 2am and 78 or so miles in)
As this will be my second year running the Vermont 100, I'm setting some specific goals for myself and already training. If you feel like peeking in on my training, you can find me and my training log on strava. If you're curious about last years race, you can find my race report here.
I hope you'll consider donating to this amazing race. And please share with others who might be interested in keeping programs like Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports alive. We must come together as a community, now more than ever, to support these sorts of extraordinary programs.
As I said here last year:
I promise to run with a smile on my face, and when it turns to a grimace, I'll remind myself of all the things there are to smile about, and how generosity helped me get here. I'll keep y'all posted on my training progress and the things I'm excited about.
Please consider donating what you can to help me reach my goal and help Vermont Adaptive meet their goal too!
Thank you!
Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports is a nationally recognized nonprofit organization that empowers people of all disabilities through inclusive sports and recreational programming regardless of ability to pay. In addition to sports, year round programming options integrate environmental, holistic wellness, and competitive training philosophies for people of all ages with cognitive, developmental, physical and emotional/behavioral disabilities. The organization believes sports and recreation provide a physical, mental and social experience that is immeasurable in promoting self-confidence and independence in an individual.
With nearly 400 active volunteer instructors, plus generous partners and sponsors, and an amazing base of clients and friends, Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports has been at the forefront of sports and recreation for those with disabilities in New England for nearly 30 years. Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports is committed to empowering individuals with disabilities. We promote independence and further equality through access and instruction to sports and recreational activities.
The VT 100 is one of Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports biggest fund raisers every year. For more information about Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports: