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Welcome to my Monte's March fundraising page. I'm raising awareness and funds for The Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. Every dollar donated supplies three meals to a neighbor in need. Be sure to tune in to 93.9 The River (FM), on November 19th and 20th!

As many of you know, I am a firm believer that food is a human right. Unfortunately, many of our neighbors have to make the hard choice between putting food on the table or taking care of other needs. Ironically, many of the people that are food insecure work in the food system: from farmworkers and people that process and cook our food to workers in the service industry. This is unconscionable, and ultimately we all have work to do to make systemic changes through fully funding snap, school food, WIC, emergency food - to name a few. These programs are currently under attack with the farm bill expiring on September 30. While this is going on at the national level, we need to support the vital work of the Food Bank of Western Massachusetts. 

I will be walking 43 miles over 2 days with other participants in Monte's March to raise funds and awareness for food insecurity in our communities. My fundraising goal for this year's march is $2,000. You can support these efforts by donating here, and joining me in the ongoing fight against hunger. 




For more info on Monte's March, visit:


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