Hi there,
It's been twenty years since my dad had a debilitating stroke. Soon after he joined the David Kremples Brain Injury Center for adults who have survived a brain injury. There he found friendship, community, and post-rehabilitation programming which has given him and dozens of other brain injury survivors a new lease on life.
My donation and yours goes a long way toward supporting the Krempels Center. Thank you very much for donating.
Robbie King
King Challenge 2023
The King Challenge is a fundraising event benefiting the David Krempels Brain Injury Center, a Portsmouth, NH based nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of people living with brain injury.
The David Krempels Brain Injury Center's misson is to improve the quality of life of people living with brain injury through evidence-based programming, shared experiences, and support in a welcoming community.
KBIC was founded in 1995 by David Krempels, who, after surviving a traumatic car accident resulting in a brain injury, invested his time and money to support other brain injury survivors and their families.