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The Cause

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Hello friends!

April will soon be here, and that means it’s time for me to ask for your support as I walk in the the Michael J. Fox SoCal Ride/Walk to end Parkinson’s Disease. As always, I will be a part of Team McGuire.  Brian McGuire is a dear friend of ours and was diagnosed 12 years ago with PD.  He continues to put up a good fight against this relentless, deadly disease. Monies that are raised in events like the SoCal Ride/Walk fund the efforts to find a cure.

Last year's ride was extremely successful thanks to the generous donations of so many friends and acquaintances. A little over $130,00.00 was raised!   

The good news is there has been some progress in the fight to end Parkinson’s.  In 2023 a biomarker in the brain was discovered which will hopefully bring about a cure. In July '24 the President signed into law the National Plan to End Parkinson's Act.  This act calls for a national effort to prevent, diagnose, treat and cure PD. Progress, although slower than we’d like, is happening.

To keep that progress going, I humbly ask for your support, in any amount.

Thank you!


There are currently 10 million people in the United States that suffer from Parkinson's.  Even in Orange County alone there are 10,000 peope with Parkinson's Disease.  Together we can help those people, our loved ones, find a cure for Parkinson's.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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