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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

What we have witnessed here in Orange County and to some degree the SoCal region is the establishment of a community of PD patients and their caregicers in dome.manner..Whether it is the work being done by Rogue PT, the results of the study being conducted with ConcordiaUniversity, r the Ride itelf, which remains our crowning event and  celebrates the entire community at large. As our advocate in dealing with the Michael J.Fox Foundation, various lobbying efforts, including the Bill to End Parkinson's or the bannoing of the herbicide Paraquat, we continue to win the many battles that must be won. Our Team is making a 'call to arms' to everyone within this community to do whatever they can to make a difference in whatever form that may be.


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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