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Hi everyone!

It’s hard to believe we will be coming up on celebrating two years post bone marrow transplant for James this December. James’ diagnoses of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (T-cell Lymphoblastic Lymphoma) right at the beginning of the pandemic was the most shocking and scary event of our lives. Having to hear the words “your child has cancer” is devastating and life-changing.

James was two days shy of his fifth birthday when words like “cancer,” “steroids,” “blood draws,” “port,” “chemo,” “MRIs,” “lumbar punctures,” “IVs,” “relapse,” “bone marrow transplant” and so much more became part of his, and our, everyday vocabulary. Those years were extremely difficult for James and for our family, especially when he faced an unexpected relapse and bone marrow transplant a week before Christmas. We were not sure he was going to make it home or past the first year. There were so many uncertainties, but somehow he made it through.

I can’t describe how fortunate we feel to have James still in our life today. It’s remarkable to us to see him as a happy kid going to third grade this year. And while we know he is still at an increased risk for relapse, and there are still challenges with late effects of the treatment he endured, we are so grateful for the “extra” time we have had with him. To see him go off on the school bus every morning, learn how to read, make friends, get taller, go to Disney World for his wish, swim and play and laugh with his siblings is beyond amazing.

After James’ treatment our family participated in two survivor retreats through Rett’s Roost, as well as the Behold the Cold Polar Plunge in March and the Superhero 5K last October. We have thoroughly enjoyed attending the retreats and events and meeting other families who have gone through a childhood cancer diagnosis. There are not too many people who can understand something like this, and it has been so helpful to find other families who had a similar experience. Rett’s Roost also knows exactly how to have fun. We have loved all the activities for both parents and kids that support healing. We also feel comforted to know that Rett’s Roost is around to support us, should we have to face more challenges ahead. This cause means a great deal to our family. We want to help other families in a similar situation receive the same support. Please consider helping us fundraise this year for this year’s Superhero 5K!!

The McCary Family – Kate, Mike, Nathaniel, James and Anna



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