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Thank you for visiting the Team Overcome 2024 Tour of the Litchfield Hills fundraising page. Please feel free to contact me if you need any information about fund raising here or reaching out to me. 

Team Overcome was formed 14 years ago in support of my sister Susan L Bredice as she was battling Ovarian Cancer. We have contiuned over the following years in support of our friends and family members that have suffered from cancer and to also support the Center For Cancer Care Fund.  

Please register and join us for a walk or a ride. Or consider making a donation to this important fund. 

John & Roberta Leffingwell


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

Learn more about PledgeReg