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DONATE Ohhh, to be a young family with just a regular kind of life... How lucky am I to have so much in my life. My profile picture is my 'Florida Family'! They are happy, healthy, sheltered, fed, employed, have transportation, basic needs covered, like most of you reading this. They wake in the sunshine protected with a roof over their head, food in their fridge, clothes to get dressed into and safe spaces to travel. I love these guys, and the charities that we fundraise for today. I ask that when you're considering supporting these local charities, to think of the many people locally who don't have the simple things that many of us take for granted everyday and, how many people we have the opportunity to help create a better, brighter future and to join us in becoming another contributing, productive and proud member of our community, just like YOU.

These 4 local non-profit agencies work tirelessly, unselfishly and for the benefit of others EVERY day of their lives. Imagine what things might be like for families in need without these agencies and without the PEOPLE. The Steeple Chase Bike Tour 2024 celebrates it's 33rd year of FUN and SERVICE. Please join me in supporting these great non-profit agencies!!

Click this DONATE button now - please :) HST Homies, our bike TEAM, just started registering riders and asking for donations. If you want to RIDE and need a TEAM - REGISTER HST HOMIES


Please join me in supporting these great non-profit agencies!!

100% of proceeds go to support the following agencies:

**Windham Area Interfaith Ministry**     **Windham Region No Freeze Shelter**     **Click Kitchen**     ** Project Imo"

More information on the agencies that benefit from this event:

The Windham Area Interfaith Ministry provides fuel assistance, clothing, and furniture to area needy families. WAIM is comprised of 39 faith communities 

Windham No Freeze Project provides adults who are homeless overnight shelter. Their goal is to help clients obtain basic resources such as food, clothing, case management and transportation.** 

Click Kitchen Grow, Cook, Share: Recognizing the historical and institutional injustices of the American food system, CLiCK aims to grow a locally-based, just, healthy, and sustainable food economy. CLiCK’s shared-use commercial kitchens provide opportunities for farmers and culinary entrepreneurs, including those with low incomes, to incubate food-based businesses, while improving the health and vitality of our local community by teaching gardening, culinary arts, nutrition, and other food-related classes, all informed by a social justice perspective.

Project Imo Our mission is to empower and inspire the next generation while engaging communities through immersive experiential and adventure education initiatives.   In providing transformative experiences, we aim to foster leadership skills, ignite a passion for environmental conservation, and promote positive change, while ensuring equitable access for all.



My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

PledgeReg is the integrated fundraising tool for all athleteReg registration sites: BikeReg, RunReg, TriReg, and SkiReg. The PledgeReg system allows events to have a personalized fundraising page for each participant as well as event-wide and team fundraising.

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