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My Story

The Event

The Cause

My Supporters

Starting July 18th I am running an ultra trail run in every state--body willing--to raise money to cure Alzheimer's Disease.  This campaign is called AlzRun, and I will be recruiting people from all over the country to join me in a run in their area, while also sharing their stories and raising funds to support the brilliant work of Cure Alzheimer’s Fund.

Alzheimer's is hitting our family hard, starting with my dad diagnosed in his mid 50s.  Our family's experience has left me reeling like little else has.  I learned in an earlier 2011 AlzRun campaign that I wasn't helpless; there were things I could do. Namely, raise money that makes a difference.  Here is a longer story of my motivations.  And more soon in video form.

Each of these runs in AlzRun 2024 scares me a bit.   I chose routes that would push the boundaries of what my soon-to-be 63 year old body can do in a day. 

I am less concerned about the cumulative toll of running one of these runs every other day for ~100 days.  I've gotten good at being kind to my body on these runs, and the need to be ready for another hard run in a couple days will motivate me to be gentle and stay healthy. 

I will be traveling alone, and mostly sleeping in the back of my old Prius, but I am used to that, and there are a lot of advantages in this setup.

But I won't be alone.  I will be meeting amazing people, many of whom will run with me, and this fills me with so much joy. What a privilege to have extended conversations in spectacular settings with people from all over the country, many of whom are navigating their own experiences with Alzheimer's, ready to focus on their grief and feel like together we can make a difference.

I hope you wll join me in whatever way you can, including making a donation here directly to Cure Alzheimer's Fund.

The funds we raise will go directly to the Cure Alzheimer's Fund. I am impressed by how much they have contributed to our understanding of Alzheimer’s.  They direct 100% of donations toward high-impact research. Our contributions will make a difference!

Thank you for your support!


My Story


The Event


The Cause


My Supporters

My Team

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