Whoop! Whoop!
Here's the team/my fundraising page....or there may be 2 pages and individual runner's pages...but it all goes into the same fund...so win, win!!! The other page maybe found at WWW.pledgereg.com/2178/team/2035 and my individual linked to the team is this page www.pledgereg.com/78907 Either way....:)
Thank you for helping me to raise funds to support My Breast Cancer Support - an independent NH 501C3 non-profit organization that provides tangible, practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients throughout the Greater Seacoast NH/ME area!
All the money raised through this effort helps patients right here in our own local communities to stay on a path toward WELLNESS!
Thank you for helping to make a difference in the lives of local patients!
My Breast Cancer Support is an independent NH 501C3 non-profit organization that provides tangible, practical and emotional support to breast cancer patients throughout the Greater Seacoast NH/ME area.
Research is a critical component to ending breast cancer, but research does little to aid the anxiety of a patient who is going through treatment TODAY.
While it may not be surprising that cancer can prompt distress, what is striking is that distress can interfere with the body's immune system and have a negative impact on the course of the disease.
That is why we have helped thousands of local patients by providing them with financial assistance, household needs, comforting gifts, wellness programs, family support, travel scholarships and more.
We will even fulfill a last wish...
For more information about the services we provide to local patients please visit http://www.mybreastcancersupport.org.