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$260.00 of $25,000.00 raised
fundraising goal met!
This event closed for donations on 11/19/2022

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About Our Cause

John E White Elementary School is a Title 1 school in TUSD and serves almost 700 students and their families.  The Bulldog Parent Teacher Club along with our group, "Jardíin de Mariposas," has been working to make our school a more welcoming place by beautifying our campus. After a couple amazing workdays involving well over a hundred people from our school and community, we built several rain basins in front of the school as well as a butterfly garden behind the intermediate classrooms. We did a great deal of work but there is so much left to do!  We would like to continue our planting projects by adding some trees out front and a garden in the back - but the big item that we can't afford is a new marquis for the front of the school! A new marquis would allow us to communicate with the families at pick-up and drop-off and keep them informed of any news, events, shout-outs,. etc. that they need to know. A new Marquis is not cheap. The estimate is about $21,000 so we really need a lot of help to pull this off! Will you help us?


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